A spark to ignite the passion within you.
How to sell and thrive during times of crisis and chaos
The focus of this webinar was "How to sell and thrive during times of crisis and chaos". 2020 has been full of uncertainty, chaos and crisis which has made the role of selling even more challenging than usual. The purpose was to discuss what challenges sales people have been facing during the covid-19 crisis and what characteristics might be predictive of being able to thrive and emerge stronger on the other side of this pandemic. All three presenters have extensive sales experience with global organisations and shared their insights and tips on how to use the 4C's and 8 factors of mental toughness to sell more effectively.
The importance of mental toughness now
and beyond COVID-19
The focus of the webinar was "The Importance of Mental Toughness – Now . . . . and Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis. The main presenter was global mental toughness expert and co-developer of the MTQ suite of assessments, Doug Strycharczyk, CEO of AQR International. The purpose of the webinar was to explore the scientifically valid mental toughness concept and the 4Cs framework in terms of how this might be playing out during and then beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. Doug discussed how everyone has a unique mental response to challenging events such as Covid-19 and it is important to be aware of and understand what this means for workplaces and society now and when we move beyond the current crisis.